Classy Double Guns
If it looks good, feels good, and kills birds dead, it qualifies as a Classy Double.
By Steve Hickoff

XE Grade Fox Double Shotgun
My late grandfather — the one who manned a tank in WWII — gunned Pennsylvania red- and gray-phase ruffed grouse with the same Fox Sterlingworth I now carry afield.
This is how a double gun acquires history and meaning from one generation to the next (and what the anti-gun people don’t understand). Hunts add seasoned character to game-scene engraving and walnut stocks. Guys like us get warm and fuzzy feelings about such stuff.
Double guns, put simply, are shotguns with two barrels. Side-by-sides (not to be confused with the four-wheeled types that take us places), and over/unders (nothing to do with Vegas sports betting, mind you) qualify. The classy part has everything to do with what editor Kevin Michalowski calls: “Expensive stuff . . . stuff that makes people say . . . hey, nice!”
This wow factor rules.
Some double guns win you over at first look and shoulder mount. The qualifier: Does it look good, feel sweet in your hands, and kill birds dead? That’s a classy double gun.
Fox Double Guns
As the story goes, President Theodore Roosevelt travelled to Africa in March 1909, shortly after leaving office. The A.H. Fox Company had presented him with an FE grade, 12-gauge double. In a letter to Mr. Fox following the gun’s arrival, Roosevelt described it as “the most beautiful gun I have ever seen.” No doubt functional too as he used it as part of the mammal-collecting safari for the Smithsonian Museum (160 species all told, observed and taken by the Colonel and his group of naturalist/collectors).
Unlike Roosevelt, I have yet to wingshoot Africa.
I doubt that my English setter Radar cares what I carry afield, especially when he’s all business and locked up on a ground-crouching woodcock in a painted New England cover, but I do. That timberdoodle, like others before it, often rises, planes out. Boom. Dead bird, we hope. My setter boy does seem to care a little when I miss, flashing me that glaring WTF look (ask your text-messaging kid to translate that acronym for you). I think my shooting improves dramatically if the shotgun looks and feels good in my hands. Truth is, I know it does.
As mentioned at the start, my Fox Sterlingworth came to me through a family line of bird hunters — it killed a PA grouse on the first shot, fitting perfectly on my shooting shoulder. By fortune or circumstance, I also married into an A-grade Fox double. My wife’s great-grandfather, a.k.a “The Boss,” once appeared in an issue of Field & Stream back in the 1930s. Pictured there, a brace of Pennsylvania grouse held by the man himself, his nosed-minded English pointer nosing them READ MORE
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We are on the road again.........Worlds Largest Gun Show and a fun shoot coming up. If you have the opportunity to come, please stop by the booth for a visit.
Tulsa Arms Show
March 31 & April 1, 2012
More Than 4,100 Tables!
Southern Side by Side Championship & Exhibition Spring Classic
April 27, 28 and 29, 2012
Deep River Sporting Clays
Sanford, NC
Exhibitors from the U.S. and Europe will occupy four tents offering a wide variety of fine guns, sporting clothes, accessories, books, art, fine jewelry, dog kennels, sporting travel providers.
Competitions will be available for shooters of all gauges of SxS shotguns.