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Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet 12 gauge
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet barrel 12 gauge. These guns were designed to be a cut above the standard 1100 with a nicer grade of wood and more attention to detail. I have an extra 28 inch barrel available with vent rib and modified choke for $225.00. The remington cap on the pistol grip is loose.
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet 12 gauge
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet barrel 12 gauge. These guns were designed to be a cut above the standard 1100 with a nicer grade of wood and more attention to detail. I have an extra 28 inch barrel available with vent rib and modified choke for $225.00. The remington cap on the pistol grip is loose.
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet 12 gauge
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet barrel 12 gauge. These guns were designed to be a cut above the standard 1100 with a nicer grade of wood and more attention to detail. I have an extra 28 inch barrel available with vent rib and modified choke for $225.00. The remington cap on the pistol grip is loose.
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet 12 gauge
Remington 1100 Skeet B, Nice wood, good condition, 26 inch skeet barrel 12 gauge. These guns were designed to be a cut above the standard 1100 with a nicer grade of wood and more attention to detail. I have an extra 28 inch barrel available with vent rib and modified choke for $225.00. The remington cap on the pistol grip is loose.