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Belgian Browning A5 Light 20. Serial Number 3Z75485. Round knob 28 inch vent ribbed barrel choked modified. I purchased this gun 3 years ago from a local gun dealer. He sold it to me as a NIB Light 20. Checked with Art's Gun Shop as it appeared gun had been fired as boltface shows some very slight wear. Gun was fully restored by Art's Gun Shop approximately 3 years ago. Box has matching serial number to gun. My failure to 100% inspect the gun is to your advantage as I paid much more than what I am listing this gun. Good luck and please contact me with any questions.
Belgian Browning A5 Light 20. Serial Number 3Z75485. Round knob 28 inch vent ribbed barrel choked modified. I purchased this gun 3 years ago from a local gun dealer. He sold it to me as a NIB Light 20. Checked with Art's Gun Shop as it appeared gun had been fired as boltface shows some very slight wear. Gun was fully restored by Art's Gun Shop approximately 3 years ago. Box has matching serial number to gun. My failure to 100% inspect the gun is to your advantage as I paid much more than what I am listing this gun. Good luck and please contact me with any questions.
Belgian Browning A5 Light 20. Serial Number 3Z75485. Round knob 28 inch vent ribbed barrel choked modified. I purchased this gun 3 years ago from a local gun dealer. He sold it to me as a NIB Light 20. Checked with Art's Gun Shop as it appeared gun had been fired as boltface shows some very slight wear. Gun was fully restored by Art's Gun Shop approximately 3 years ago. Box has matching serial number to gun. My failure to 100% inspect the gun is to your advantage as I paid much more than what I am listing this gun. Good luck and please contact me with any questions.
Belgian Browning A5 Light 20. Serial Number 3Z75485. Round knob 28 inch vent ribbed barrel choked modified. I purchased this gun 3 years ago from a local gun dealer. He sold it to me as a NIB Light 20. Checked with Art's Gun Shop as it appeared gun had been fired as boltface shows some very slight wear. Gun was fully restored by Art's Gun Shop approximately 3 years ago. Box has matching serial number to gun. My failure to 100% inspect the gun is to your advantage as I paid much more than what I am listing this gun. Good luck and please contact me with any questions.