J. Ansog Würzburg German Schuetzen
#1288A J. ANSORG WURZBURG GERMAN SCHÜTZEN, 8;15 X 46, SN H103XX, 29” oct. fluted bbl., heavily engraved with gold & silver inlays, Martini action, carved stock, cherub & target next to a castle or shooting house on the right side, eagles head & floral engraving on left side, rest of stock is heavily carved with floral scenes, metal is heavily engraved with vine floral effect, cherub with target inlayed in gold on top of breech block, another cherub in silver inlayed in top of bbl., also inlayed in gold is “J. Ansorg Wurzburg”, numerous floral & vine inlays covering the top of the bbl. & part of sides at rear & front, heavily inlayed in gold on the bottom, in front of the lever is “Ihrem Hochverdienten Schutbenmeir str. Dr. Mayr, Die Schuetzen Gesellschaft Wurzburg 1893”, also some gold inlay in bottom of lever, original engraved tang sight adjustable for windage & elevation, pin head ramp front sight with protective ears, sling swivels, small chip of wood missing right at the wrist, piece of metal in front of bottom plate missing, heavily engraved buttplate, beautiful rifle, one of the finest I’ve seen. $12,000
Antique: Yes