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BROWNING MEDALLION-458 WIN. 24" barrel with sights (this is correct for 458 medallions) Made 1963. Long extractor bolt. Very nice wood and metal-99% o/a condition. Original factory recoil pad. Imported from Canada by BV-Lynden, Wa. Import logo is under bolt handle and not visable unless bolt is opened. A rare and very nice collectable medallion! C&R FFL ok. Shipping and insurance extra.
BROWNING MEDALLION-458 WIN. 24" barrel with sights (this is correct for 458 medallions) Made 1963. Long extractor bolt. Very nice wood and metal-99% o/a condition. Original factory recoil pad. Imported from Canada by BV-Lynden, Wa. Import logo is under bolt handle and not visable unless bolt is opened. A rare and very nice collectable medallion! C&R FFL ok. Shipping and insurance extra.
BROWNING MEDALLION-458 WIN. 24" barrel with sights (this is correct for 458 medallions) Made 1963. Long extractor bolt. Very nice wood and metal-99% o/a condition. Original factory recoil pad. Imported from Canada by BV-Lynden, Wa. Import logo is under bolt handle and not visable unless bolt is opened. A rare and very nice collectable medallion! C&R FFL ok. Shipping and insurance extra.
BROWNING MEDALLION-458 WIN. 24" barrel with sights (this is correct for 458 medallions) Made 1963. Long extractor bolt. Very nice wood and metal-99% o/a condition. Original factory recoil pad. Imported from Canada by BV-Lynden, Wa. Import logo is under bolt handle and not visable unless bolt is opened. A rare and very nice collectable medallion! C&R FFL ok. Shipping and insurance extra.