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US Historical Society / Colt MINATURE 1860 Army Exact Functiong 2mm Minature exact replica by Simon Jackson as 1860 .36 cal. ARMY
3 1/2" bbl., fully engraved (wilderness, woods & farmhouse scenes) rotating cylinder, blue / case colored accents, steel , true brass parts as 1860 Army by COLT, bbl. & receiver stamped prorerly COLT as orig., eastern walnut grips, unfired, This minature was done by the renounded Simon Jackson of Crossroads, Tn., much provanance provided, displayed in felt lined Mahogany COLT stamped case,
US Historical Society / Colt MINATURE 1860 Army Exact Functiong 2mm Minature exact replica by Simon Jackson as 1860 .36 cal. ARMY
3 1/2" bbl., fully engraved (wilderness, woods & farmhouse scenes) rotating cylinder, blue / case colored accents, steel , true brass parts as 1860 Army by COLT, bbl. & receiver stamped prorerly COLT as orig., eastern walnut grips, unfired, This minature was done by the renounded Simon Jackson of Crossroads, Tn., much provanance provided, displayed in felt lined Mahogany COLT stamped case,
US Historical Society / Colt MINATURE 1860 Army Exact Functiong 2mm Minature exact replica by Simon Jackson as 1860 .36 cal. ARMY
3 1/2" bbl., fully engraved (wilderness, woods & farmhouse scenes) rotating cylinder, blue / case colored accents, steel , true brass parts as 1860 Army by COLT, bbl. & receiver stamped prorerly COLT as orig., eastern walnut grips, unfired, This minature was done by the renounded Simon Jackson of Crossroads, Tn., much provanance provided, displayed in felt lined Mahogany COLT stamped case,
US Historical Society / Colt MINATURE 1860 Army Exact Functiong 2mm Minature exact replica by Simon Jackson as 1860 .36 cal. ARMY
3 1/2" bbl., fully engraved (wilderness, woods & farmhouse scenes) rotating cylinder, blue / case colored accents, steel , true brass parts as 1860 Army by COLT, bbl. & receiver stamped prorerly COLT as orig., eastern walnut grips, unfired, This minature was done by the renounded Simon Jackson of Crossroads, Tn., much provanance provided, displayed in felt lined Mahogany COLT stamped case,