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Ruger New model Blackhawk 357
has been fired. But not a lot. Excellent bore and action. Plastic pearl grips makes the handle a bit thicker, which I like. Comes with a USA made fishing knife (used quite a bit and a little loose but very sharp) with hook remover. They should put hook removers on knives these days. Very handy.
Ruger New model Blackhawk 357
has been fired. But not a lot. Excellent bore and action. Plastic pearl grips makes the handle a bit thicker, which I like. Comes with a USA made fishing knife (used quite a bit and a little loose but very sharp) with hook remover. They should put hook removers on knives these days. Very handy.
Ruger New model Blackhawk 357
has been fired. But not a lot. Excellent bore and action. Plastic pearl grips makes the handle a bit thicker, which I like. Comes with a USA made fishing knife (used quite a bit and a little loose but very sharp) with hook remover. They should put hook removers on knives these days. Very handy.
Ruger New model Blackhawk 357
has been fired. But not a lot. Excellent bore and action. Plastic pearl grips makes the handle a bit thicker, which I like. Comes with a USA made fishing knife (used quite a bit and a little loose but very sharp) with hook remover. They should put hook removers on knives these days. Very handy.