Leupold FX-I 4X28MM Rimfire Gloss Scope with box
Guns International #: 103026438 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Optics - Optics - American

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: Perry County Firearms
Company: Perry County Firearms LLC 4679 Sugar Run Rd Millerstown Pa 17062 Email salespcfirearms
Member Since: 2/19/09
First Name: Greg
Last Name: Weiand
State: Pennsylvania
Zip: 17062
Country: United States
Phone: (717) 579-2583
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 175
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: check or money order, price is cash price if using credit card 3% charge

About Us: I am a reasonable man I understand in the gun business you ask what's the best you will do Some guns I have room some I don't But there are guys I swear when they ask the best you will do i could say i will give it to you and they would say can't you do any better if you are one of them please take me out of your rolodex thank you

Looks new comes with everything shown, buyer pays 20.00 shipping Pa residents add 6% sales tax, Price is for check or money order, cc add 3%

Price: $250.00