AYA No. 4 Round Action - The Bournbrook 12 Bore (New)
Guns International #: 103025506 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: AYA - Aguirre y Aranzabal Shotguns - Shotguns - Spanish Double

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: M.W. Reynolds, Inc.
Company: M.W. Reynolds, Inc.
Member Since: 4/20/10
State: Colorado
Zip: 80202
Country: United States
Phone: (303) 761-0021
Fax: (303) 761-0236
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 18
Total Number of Listings: 3308
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
We ship UPS Ground Insured
Payment Types Accepted: Personal or Bank Check

About Us: We've been dealing in fine guns since 2005.

*Reduced from $6,495 to $5,195 - AYA No. 4 Round Action, The Bournbrook, 12 bore, 2 3/4" chambers, 29" chopper lump barrels choked .009 IC and .020 Mod., 14 7/8" LOP to a checkered butt, 1 1/2" DAC, 2 1/4" DAH, neutral, 6 lbs. 15 oz., ejectors, double triggers, straight grip, splinter forend, disc set strikers, smooth concave game rib, 100% full coverage hand engraving, automatic safety, No. 1 Grade Circassian/Turkish walnut, rolled edge trigger guard, articulated front trigger, gold stock oval, case hardened finish, best oil wood finish. Gun No. 068-12.

Price: $5,195.00