Colt 4 Inch Diamondback Blue - high condition
Guns International #: 103021909 Seller's Inventory #: 047-383
Category: Colt Revolvers - Diamondback - Colt Revolvers - Double Action Post-War

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Ocala Armory
Company: Ocala Armory
Member Since: 3/31/07
State: Florida
Zip: 34482
Country: United States
Phone: (352) 629-9229
Fax: (352) 629-0517
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 267
Total Number of Listings: 6474
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days after receipt
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About Us: We have been in business for over 55 years and have thousands of satisfied customers.

An exceptional Colt 4 Inch Blued Diamondback revolver in .38 Special caliber.  Serial range R3320x.  Revolver's finish is at 100% and may be unfired since leaving the factory.  No box or paperwork just the wonderful Colt revolver.  These have alwatys felt better in my hand than the Python and been extremely accurate with all loads, from the .38 wadcutter target loads right on up to  the hot .38 Special  hollow point variety.  Don't we wish they still made this revolver - but now with CZ in charge of Colt maybe the Diamondback will be on the near production horizon......

Price: $2,150.00

Handgun Caliber: .38 Special