Rare Francotte 16 ga. O/U
Guns International #: 103021703 Seller's Inventory #: 4258
Category: Francotte Shotguns - Shotguns - 16 Gauge

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: Osprey
Company: Osprey NY
Member Since: 4/18/07
First Name: Gary
Last Name: Downey
State: New York
Zip: 11771
Country: United States
Phone: (516) 652-3912
Platinum Seller
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: Psnl Chk, Cert Chk

Rare Francotte 16 ga., 28" file cut solid rib barrels choked tight improved cylinder and full  (.012/.025),  original 2-3/4" chambers.  Barrel address "August Francotte Brevette a Liege", double triggers, auto ejectors, auto safe.   Double underlug action with double top bolting is tight on the face.  Round knob pistol grip stock of highly figured French walnut measures 1-1/2" comb, 2-1/2" heel, 14-1/2" LOP to a checkered butt.  Slight cast off at the face.  The "Olde Silver "finish engraved in a pleasing  ribbon and floral pattern. Nice condition overall.  This is the first one like this I have seen of this higher grade.  No importer mark.  Excellent bores.  Weighs 6lbs 6oz.

Price: $4,650.00