Glock Factory OEM 9MM GEN 4 31 Round Magazines..........4 mags
Guns International #: 103011419 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Clips & Magazines - Pistol - Clips & Magazines - American

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on
Verified Seller
Seller: E & L SPORTS
Company: E & L SPORTS
Member Since: 1/27/08
State: South Carolina
Country: United States
Phone: (803) 874-1060
Platinum Seller
Total Number of Listings: 3128
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
The before is GI’s return policy. OUR shop policy is we do NOT accept returns UNLESS it is broken in shipment. This is the return policy we will be abiding by. Shipping WEST of the Mississippi costs $10.00 more.
Payment Types Accepted: Credit card & money orders …Don’t accept American Express.

About Us: Contact us at: (803) 874-1060 HOURS ARE 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. MONDAY--FRIDAY E.S.T. E&L Sports focuses on QUALITY used weapons that appreciate in value. (Colts, Smiths, Beretta, Winchester, Brownings, etc) We have a regular store with over 6,000 sales. Walk-ins are NOT available. If item is listed, it is still available for purchase. Call the shop to pay for purchases. We take all cards EXCEPT American Express Thank you for viewing our items!

Glock Factory OEM 9MM GEN 4 31 Round Magazines..........4 mags


You are purchasing FOUR 31 round mags. 

These are overstock.......we do have more of these.

$16.00 to ship 

If you are WEST of the Mississippi shipping will be $10.00 extra 

Thank you for looking at our items. If it is listed on the site, we still have it in the shop. If you wish to buy, hit buy it now and call the shop to pay.  We are open Monday thru Friday 10:00am-3:00pm EST ...........Ask for    Bree....... (803) 874-1060.

Please CALL the shop first if you are in California. You need to verify you can have this weapon, since we DO NOT accept returns from California. 



Price: $100.00