Mauser Brazilian Model 1935 rifle
Guns International #: 103005534 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Mauser Rifles - Military - Mauser Rifles

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Roger Green
Member Since: 4/3/11
State: Washington
Country: United States
Phone: (307) 473-1112
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: Certified Funds OK, Personal Checks will be held until cleared. No credit cards

About Us: Prefer to be contacted by TXT (3074731112) or email. Leave a message if by voice mail. Will call back as soon as possible. Shipping of Firearms by USPS Priority Mail, UPS or FedX fully insured at cost. $50 Handguns/short guns; $75.00 Rifles/Long guns.

The model  1935 Mauser Oberndorf was contracted by the government of Brazil.  They were made in rifle with 29 3/ 8" barrel and carbine with 22" barrel in the ever popular 7X57 cartridge. The crossed rifle logo of the police force is nicely stamped on the receiver ring. The Mauser banner is stamped on the rear bridge.  Commerical proof marks are stamped on left side of front receiver ring.  Left receiver wall is stamped with Mauser commerical logo.  This is a rifle with the long barrel and all serial number matching except the bolt. Headspaced checked within factory standards.  Overall condition is good to very good.

Price: $1,000.00

Rifle Caliber: 7x57mm Mauser