Browning ~ B-S/S ~ 12 Gauge ~ 1976 Production
Guns International #: 102993301 Seller's Inventory #: 4365892
Category: Browning Shotguns - SXS - Shotguns - Duck & Goose or Turkey 3"

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Cabelas Owatonna
Company: Bass Pro - Cabelas
Member Since: 3/19/07
State: Minnesota
Zip: 55060
Country: United States
Phone: (507) 444-5131
Platinum Seller
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
Free shipping to any Bass Pro/Cabela’s US stores. $25 shipping fee to any Third Party FFL dealer
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Browning B-S/S Side By Side 12 Ga, with 3" chambers and 26" solid rib barrels. The right barrel is choked Improved Cylinder and the left barrel is choked Modified. The stocks are checkered walnut with a beavertail forearm, straight grip and comb, and a black Browning buttplate. It also has a single trigger, ejectors, and a manual safety. The underside of the receiver is marked with a circled "R" over "BrowninG" with scroll engraving on the trigger guard, sides of the receiver and barrel latch lever. Stock measurements 14 1/8" LOP 1 5/8" DAC 2 1/2" DAH. Cast is Neutral. Very good overall with some minor compression marks in the stock set and reblued surfaces. 12 Gauge

Price: $2,399.99

Chambers: 3" chambers.
Metal Condition: "Refinished barrel and frame. The refinish still looks good, but shows some of the rust pits and imperfections that were never taken out in the refinish process. The pitting is
Wood Condition: 90% remaining with minor compression marks in the stock.
Bore Condition: Bright smooth bores.
Barrels: 26" barrels.
Triggers: Single trigger.
Stock Dimensions:
LOP 14 1/8".
Fore End: Checkered beavertail.
Butt Pad: Hard rubber.
Sights: Front bead.
Chokes: Fixed.
Item Location: Owatonna, MN