![]() Antique Winchester 1873 rare 30” barrel Guns International #: 102986276 Seller's Inventory #: 0789 Category: Winchester Rifles - Antique Lever - Winchester Rifles - Model 1873 Seller's Information When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com ![]() Seller: Billy Member Since: 3/6/08 State: Texas Country: United States Phone: (214) 533-1415 Seller: Private Seller Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns. 30 days. lay-away items no return unless misrepresented in some way. thanks Payment Types Accepted: Personal checks 3 days to clear. Postal money orders. Cashiers checks. About Us: Antique Collector since 1985. I also have a few modern items that will require a FFL or C&R license. No exceptions. Happy collecting and investing in a product that continues to rise as material and labor costs rise. And the labor force becomes less about quality. China and Mexico items just don’t seem to last. Description: Sale Pending !!! Colton. Winchester 1873 44-40. With 30" barrel. Rare excellent condition showing 80% blue and good traces of case color. Super condition for 1889 Winchester. Bore is a 8 Also have the receipt where previous owner paid Cabelas $8400 in 2015. I would think it would go up in value by now. I couldn't find a 30" for sale much less one in this condition. Should be over $10k by now very good investment piece. Price: $6,475.00 Antique: Yes |