Rossi Unaltered .357 Model 971 Revolver
Guns International #: 102984903 Seller's Inventory #: 15A-63
Category: Rossi Revolvers - .357 Magnum Revolvers

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Seller: Ocala Armory
Company: Ocala Armory
Member Since: 3/31/07
State: Florida
Zip: 34482
Country: United States
Phone: (352) 629-9229
Fax: (352) 629-0517
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Number of Active Listings: 265
Total Number of Listings: 6471
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Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
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About Us: We have been in business for over 55 years and have thousands of satisfied customers.

Most have never seen one of these.  Short barreled Rossi and Taurus revolvers are not importable as they do not qualify under the current ATF "point system" guidelines.  So the companies just import them with a barrel extension just meeting the guidelines for importation, and then after they are imported they cut the barrels to the desired length.  This particular model 971 example left the importer's premises without being cut.  It remains with the barrel extension intact.  Not exactly what the importer wants folks to see, and actually quite rare in and of itself.  This example is excellent as shown, almost looks unfired.

Price: $595.00

Handgun Caliber: .357 Magnum