![]() Winchester M1 Carbine in .30 Carbine Guns International #: 102980417 Seller's Inventory #: JA247 Category: Military Rifles - M1 Carbine - Winchester Rifles - Military Seller's Information When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com ![]() Seller: RW Outdoors Member Since: 3/28/18 First Name: Bill Last Name: Wood State: Montana Zip: 59749 Country: United States Phone: (406) 842-5271 Platinum Seller Number of Active Listings: 245 Total Number of Listings: 2118 Seller: FFL Dealer Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns. No returns. Payment Types Accepted: check, credit card (3.5% convenience fee) About Us: RW Outdoors is a small shop located in Southwestern Montana. Most of our listings are on consignment in our store and prices are dictated by owners. Some are very open to offers, while others are firm. All firearms must ship to a licensed dealer. Give us a call or email to find out more about any of our listings. Description: Winchester M1 Carbine in .30 Carbine. Serial number 6497239. Call RW Outdoors at 406-842-5271 with any questions.
RW Outdoors will not be held responsible for any damage incurred during the shipping process. We take great care in securing our items to ensure their safe delivery, but the handling of the packages is beyond our control once they leave our store. Price: $1,425.00 Rifle Caliber: .30 Carbine Manufacturer: Winchester Model: M1 Carbine Serial Number: 6497239 Barrel Length: 18 Item Location: Sheridan, MT |