Ruger #1S (Craig Boddington African Kudu Adventure Series) Farqueson falling block, 300 H&H (1 of 250) mfg 2008
Guns International #: 102943626 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Ruger Rifles - #1 - Rifles - African Dangerous Game Safari Single Shot

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on
Verified Seller
Seller: Charlie Hancock
Company: CLH Classic FA
Member Since: 3/4/07
First Name: Charlie
Last Name: Hancock
State: Tennessee
Zip: 38355
Country: United States
Phone: (731) 337-2938
Platinum Seller
Seller: Private Seller
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
$50 Ship to FFL Dlrs.- Pictured ID (DL) Carry permit, C&R License - 731 337 2938 - layaways final!
Payment Types Accepted: checks & MO's 15%-20% restock- legitmate returns

26" matte blue finished mediun/heavy bbl., quick Warne rings,1-in-10 twist, Express sights,ramp standing blade with ivory bead, quater rib, express rear, rings, Select checkered exotic Circassian walnut, Alexander Henry foreartm. 5/8" solid pad, 99+% overall looks as new in box, extensive provanance also Ruger #1 manual, very hard to find caliber, shipped & insured for only:


Price: $2,395.00