W.W. Greener Pair "Extra Best" special order game guns
Guns International #: 102923845 Seller's Inventory #: 4237
Category: Pairs of Shotguns - Greener, WW Shotguns

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Osprey
Company: Osprey NY
Member Since: 4/18/07
First Name: Gary
Last Name: Downey
State: New York
Zip: 11771
Country: United States
Phone: (516) 652-3912
Platinum Seller
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: Psnl Chk, Cert Chk

W.W. Greener Pair "Extra Best" special order game guns.  Top of the Range model FH 70's feature 26" barrels game ribs choked 10/24 and 9/19,  2-1/2" chambers, 12 ga.
The Facile Princeps actions fitted with auto ejectors and double triggers. Exquisite engraving of acanthus floral style, deep carved fences and a flourish of engraving at the barrel breeches. Retaining about 75 % iridescent case colors that just seem to radiate hues of blue and purple.  Horn inlays behind the cheeks of the the straight stocks of the finest French walnut exhibit ribbons of black smoke against a honey amber background that is nothing short of spectacular.  Measuring 1-1/2" comb, 1-7/8" heel, LOP 14-3/8" over the original horn butt plates.
Per information kindly provided by Graham Greener, the pair was started June 22,1928 and finished August 6,1930  just in time for the "Glorius 12th"  the traditional opening of Driven Grouse in England.  One can only imagine the joy that Mr. W. Dyson, the original owner, experienced with his new pair of "Extra Best" guns on opening day. 
This pair of extra light weight guns tip the scales at only 5 lbs, 15 oz. and have the notation of "Extra Best" in the factory records and it shows in every detail.
Built to be the best you can buy, they remain in their original motor case with Greener label and green velvet interior.