Randall model 5-4 camp and trail
Guns International #: 102868061 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Knives - Randall - Knives

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: Elkview Outfitters
Company: Elkview Outfitters
Member Since: 11/4/07
State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Phone: (256) 508-0164
Seller: Private Seller
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: cashier's check

About Us: Private seller, hunter, been trading guns for 20 plus years as a hobby.

Here's another maxed-out beauty- Randall model 5 Camp and Trail $485 base price plus options:
4 inch stainless blade $75 
 Beautiful stag handle -$85
  nickel silver hilt-$40
  thumb notches-$45
  Butt cap- $40
That's $770 if ordered today and a five year wait. This knife would go really well with that maxed out model 7 stainless fisherman already listed- the stag handles are almost identical. This knife has never been carried or sharpened. Another family heirloom.  Offers appreciated