Colt MK III Trooper Excellent condition 357 Mag
Guns International #: 102292635 Seller's Inventory #: 03-19-11
Category: Colt Revolvers - Trooper - .357 Magnum Revolvers

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Company: Turnbull Custom Guns
Member Since: 8/21/21
State: Maine
Zip: 04093
Country: United States
Phone: (207) 423-5909
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 96
Total Number of Listings: 1977
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
The buyer will be responsible for any and all return shipping and pkg fees. Returns on firearms
Payment Types Accepted: Credit Card Check or Money Order

About Us: TCG Arms (Turnbull Custom Guns) is a small Gunshop in Buxton Maine. We buy, Sell, and Service firearms. Some of our capabilities include Color Case hardening, Hot Bluing Barrel lining and chambering. Barrel Cut and Crowning, Mauser customizing.

Colt Mk III 357 revolver in excellent condition Bluing is 98% with only a very minimal amount of holster silvering at the muzzle. Action is smooth and operates as it should. barrel bore is mirror and looks to have been fired very little. nice high gloss polished finish. grips are excellent. with colt emblem on them. 6" barrel

Flat 35.00 shipping Fee
Price reflects a 3% cash discount
Maine residents add 5.5% sales tax


Handgun Caliber: .357 Magnum
Manufacturer: Colt
Model: Mk III Trooper
Serial Number: 27312L
Barrel Length: 6
Condition: Excellent
Metal Condition: Excellent slight muzzle holster wear
Wood Condition: Excellent
Bore Condition: Excellent
Action: Double / Single
Item Location: Buxton MAine