32-40 Win. CF
Guns International #: 102230576 Seller's Inventory #: #3985MA
Category: Ammo - American Collectible - Ammo - American Rifle

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: Jim Goergen
Company: Goergen's Gun Shop
Member Since: 6/17/13
State: Minnesota
Zip: 55912
Country: United States
Phone: (507) 219-1379
Phone2: (507) 219-1928
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 548
Total Number of Listings: 8536
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
$50 long guns, $20 handguns and tools, $15 ammunition
Payment Types Accepted: Cashiers Checks, Money Orders and Personal Checks. Shipment will be delayed 5 working days while personal checks clear. Lay-away plan available; 20% down, balance in 90 days.


#3985MA  32-40 Win. CF cartridges in Peters Rustless blue red & yellow 20 rd. box, exc. condition.  $75


Rifle Caliber: .32-40 Winchester