45/70 AMMO and DIES
Guns International #: 102208228 Seller's Inventory #: 349
Category: Ammo - Hunting - Ammo - American Rifle

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on GunsInternational.com
Verified Seller
Seller: mobel one
Member Since: 9/23/09
State: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Phone: (608) 556-2303
Number of Active Listings: 4
Total Number of Listings: 206
Seller: Private Seller
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: bank check and us postal mo

ON HOLD for BEN 45/70 AMMO and Dies, Reloaded ammo and dies are like new.
Picture shows what I have. some boxes are partial as marked.
Barnes and Hornaday bullets.