H&A Model 312 Sidelock in Boxlock Hammar Gun, 12 gauge
Guns International #: 101980850 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Shotguns - American Double - Hammer Shotguns

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Loving Doubles
Company: Loving Doubles
Member Since: 9/6/09
First Name: Ben
State: California
Country: United States
Phone: (310) 546-6484
Number of Active Listings: 33
Total Number of Listings: 162
Seller: Private Seller
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
3 days
Payment Types Accepted: , MO, Bank Cks

H&A Model 312 Sidelock in Boxlock Hammar Gun
This Hopkins & Allen  model 312 hammer gun is what Neils refers to as a Sidelock In Boxlock  design. Literally it is a boxlock gun into the sides of which small sidelocks have been placed. Of the hundreds of different double-barrel shotguns I have seen in 50 years of collecting them this is the only one I have seen.  This is a well-made gun with a Deeley & Edge fore-end latch and bolting via a robust Westley Richards type rib extension. This model was made briefly between 1910 – 1914. It is in extremely nice condition – about 90%. Barrel is 99%, action retain 85% color and the stock 98% varnish. Both blue and case colors are drifting brown. All original and untouched. It is a 12 ga with 30” barrels, 2 ¾” chambers bored F&M barrels. The bores are perfect. Serial number 58747.  Drop comb is 1 ½”, DH heel 2 ¾”, and LOP is 14 ¼” over original HRBP. This is a rare collector gun and a good shooter. Reduced from $950


Curio/Relic: Yes
Shotgun Gauge: 12 Gauge
Manufacturer: Hopkins & Allen Arms Co., Norwich, Conn. USA
Model: 312
Serial Number: 58747
Barrel Length: 30
Chambers: 2 3/4
Condition: Very good
Metal Condition: Very Good
Wood Condition: Excellent
Bore Condition: perfect
Barrels: Fluid steel
Action: Boxlock
Triggers: double
Stock: pistol grip Walnut
Stock Comb: 1 1/2
Stock Heel: 2 3/4 in.
Fore End: Splinter
Butt Pad: H&A HRBP
LOP: 14 1/4
Weight: ca.7 1/2 lbs
Manufacture Date: ca. 1912
Choke Left: Full
Choke Right: Modifed
Item Location: CA
Proof:Nitro: yes