SAVAGE 219-C 30-30
Guns International #: 100566388 Seller's Inventory #: 24975
Category: Savage Rifles - Rifles - American Bolt Action

Seller's Information
When emailing or calling sellers direct, please mention that you saw their listing on
Verified Seller
Seller: Crosnoe Guns
Company: Crosnoe LLC
Member Since: 2/28/07
First Name: Tom
Last Name: Crosnoe
State: Missouri
Zip: 63701
Country: United States
Phone: (573) 837-6136
Platinum Seller
Number of Active Listings: 260
Total Number of Listings: 18007
Seller: FFL Dealer
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.

Payment Types Accepted: Cashiers check, Money Order, Personal check. Visa. Mastercard, Discover. Advertised price represents a 3% cash discount. Actual price if paid by credit card is 3% extra.

About Us: Over 50 years in business, and not only do we buy guns, but we accept collections (and single/multiple guns) on consignment.

Savage 219C 30-30. 26in barrel. 97-98% original condition. Correct dove tail 1" rings. Excellent bore.