Custom built Mauser 7mm x 57 by Klick's Gun Shop
Guns International #: 100496533 Seller's Inventory #:
Category: Mauser Rifles - Sporter Pre-War -

Seller's Information
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Verified Seller
Seller: Billman
Member Since: 8/1/12
State: North Carolina
Zip: 28590-9490
Country: United States
Phone: (252) 321-4924
Number of Active Listings: 0
Total Number of Listings: 61
Seller: Private Seller
Return Policy: 3 day inspection and return policy on used guns.
Shipping added @ actual cost + insurance to your FFL
Payment Types Accepted: Money Order or Certified Check

Excellent custom 7x57Mauser built by Klick's Gun Shop in Pennsylvania. 24" barrel.Two position (low) safety. Beautiful walnut stock with cheek rest. One small compression dent on the stock in front of the bolt handle (see picture), otherwise perfect. This rifle handles nicely. 7mm x 57's are known to be flat shooting and very accurate. $30 shipping & insurance to your FFL in the lower 48.

Footnote: This rifle has a 93~95 Mauser action.