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Featured Gun Classifieds Antique Pistols - 1500-1850
ROYAL LANCASTER VOLUNTEERS Antique SPENCER FLINTLOCK Officer’s Pistol .56  Handsome London Proofed Fighting Pistol with Inscription! Here we present an antique Brass Barreled Flintloc ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Pre-REVOLUTIONARY WAR Rare ENGRAVED Antique JOSEPH GRIFFIN Flintlock Pistol 250+ Year Old ENGRAVED Flintlock .60 MANSTOPPER Here we present an antique Engraved Joseph Griffin English Flintlock P ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
1813 Model flintlock pistol was manufactured by Simeon North in Middletown, Connecticut. North manufactured 1,626 Model 1813 pistols between 1813 and 1815. The Army received  626 pistols which ...Click for more info
Seller: J Dre
Area Code: 916
Manufactured by Simeon North of Middletown, Connecticut, circa 1813 to 1815 with total quantity approximately 1,626 (around 1,000 delivered to the U.S. Navy with the remainder delivered to the U.S ...Click for more info
Seller: J Dre
Area Code: 916
This is one of the standard 1807 Contact pistols supplied by Joseph Henry of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who manufactured a limited number of flintlock military pistols under  U.S. Governmen ...Click for more info
Seller: J Dre
Area Code: 916
EARLY FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR ERA BRITISH GEORGE II TOWER FLINTLOCK LIGHT DRAGOON PISTOL CIRCA 1757-63. 18” o/a with 10 ½” round .69 caliber smoothbore barrel. All original flintlock ...Click for more info
Seller: David Condon, Inc.
Area Code: 540
#1504 Mass Arms - Wesson & Levitt’s Patent Belt Model, 5”x.31cal percussion revolver produced 1851-1857 with approx 1000 total manufactured. Prior to this, Mass Arms lost a patent infringement law su ...Click for more info
Seller: Tom Burness
Area Code: 530
This iron parts are a light patina with some staining. The action is strong and the bore is dark. The stock shows some minor cracks. Dimesions-- Overall 21.25"  Barrel 13.75"  Bo ...Click for more info
Seller: paterson
Area Code: 801
Antique Pistols - 1500-1850
Here's excellent example of A Knife Pistol of the Day! Circa 1850's . Percussion pistol with a blade on it . Which locks under the trigger gaurd . When triggered is squeezed the blade releases open ! ...Click for more info
Seller: little jo
Area Code: 813
This is called the Belt Revolver. Very rare since it was only made for a couple of years (1850-1851). Caliber 31 with a 6-shot percussion cylinder. Very nice condition with most finish remaini ...Click for more info
Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns
Area Code: 218
STATE of NEW YORK MILITIA Antique SIMEON NORTH U.S. M1819 FLINTLOCK Pistol Early American Sidearm Inspect by JOHN D. JOHNSON Here we present an antique State of New York Marked U.S. Model 1819 S ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Here's a Fantastic Example of a Masterpiece made by Jacob Kuchenreuter German Madter Gun Maker ! Looks to be a 56 cal. Gun has a -10" barrel . Barrel has most all of its original finish still rem ...Click for more info
Seller: little jo
Area Code: 813
MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR Antique R. JOHNSON U.S. M1836 .54 FLINTLOCK Pistol    STANDARD ISSUE Used Into the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR Here we present an antique Robert Johnson Model 1836 Fli ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
c1760 JOHN FOX TWIGG London FLINTLOCK Fighting Pistol .75 ENGLISH  Antique French & Indian War, Revolutionary War Here we present an antique John Twigg Flintlock Pistol, made circa the ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
BRACE of Antique OTTOMAN Flintlock HOLSTER/HORSE Pistols 1700s/1800s Turks MATCHING PAIR of Late-18th / Early 19th Century Pistols Here we present a pair of antique Ottoman Flintlock Holster/HOR ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
VERY Scarce RIFLED BORE Henry DERINGER U.S. Model 1842 NAVY Pistol USN .54 1 of only 200 Rifled Model 1842 Pistols Accepted by the Navy Here we present an antique Henry Deringer U.S. Navy Contra ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
1837 Antique ASA WATERS U.S. M1836 .54 Military DRAGOON FLINTLOCK Pistol   STANDARD ISSUE of the MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR Here we present an antique A.H. Waters U.S. Model 1836 Flintlock D ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Antique SIMEON NORTH U.S. M1816 .54 Military FLINTLOCK Pistol KIT CARSON   U.S. CONTRACT Early American Army & Navy Sidearm Here we present an antique Simeon North U.S. Contract Mo ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
1811 Date NAPOLEONIC WARS French CHARLEVILLE M1777 Pattern FLINTLOCK Pistol Predecessor to the First U.S. Martial Pistol Here we present an antique Napoleonic Wars Era French Charleville Model 1777 ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
RARE Antique DUMOUTHIER Double Barrel Percussion KNIFE Pistol GERMAN SILVER Liege Proofed SIDE by SIDE Pistol/Knife Combo Here we present a rare antique Dumouthier Pattern Double Barrel Percussi ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
About a 72 caliber. Has a swivel hinged loading apparatus. 6 inch barrel with most brown remaining. Nicely engraved lock plate with vivid case color as well as a nicely engraved breech. Walnut checker ...Click for more info
Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns
Area Code: 218
ENGRAVED Antique FRENCH EMPIRE Style FLINTLOCK Military OFFICER’S Pistol   NAPOLEONIC ERA Military Pistol for an Officer Here we present an antique Napoleonic Era French Flintloc ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Antique W. KETLAND & Co. BRASS BARREL .58 Cal. Large Bore FLINTLOCK Pistol Turn of the Century Flintlock Sidearm Here we present an antique W. Ketland & Co. Brass Barrel Flintlock Pistol ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
1700s BERNARDINUS de ANGELIS Antique EUROPEAN Flintlock FIGHTING PISTOL .53 Large Martial Pistol from the Continent Here we present an antique Bernardinus de Angelis Flintlock Pistol, made circa ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
BENOIT PENET French Antique FLINTLOCK .64 Martial Pistol Engraved & Carved 18th Century from St. Etienne Gunmaker! Here we present an antique Engraved and Relief Carved Benoit Penel French F ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
9 inch octagon barrel retains most original blue with sharp corners and excellent markings. Excellent mechanics. Wood retains a considerable amount of original varnish and is elaborately carved. Trigg ...Click for more info
Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns
Area Code: 218
Gold, silver and high quality workmanship describe this pistol. This is what looks like engraving but is instead very intricate metal work done on the whole gun. How this was accomplished? It certainl ...Click for more info
Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns
Area Code: 218
REVOLUTIONARY WAR Antique D. EGG 1759 ELLIOT Light Dragoon FLINTLOCK Pistol 1770s-1790s British Flintlock MILITARY Pistol Here we present a Revolutionary War Era Durs Egg Pattern 1759 Elliot Dra ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
REVOLUTIONARY WAR HENRY COLLICOTT of Bristol FLINTLOCK Pistol MASK POMMEL  ENGRAVED & CARVED Martial Pistol for an Officer Here we present an antique Revolutionary War Era British Engra ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
18th Century FREDERICK V DANISH MILITARY Antique FLINTLOCK Pistol DRAGOON  RARE F5 Monogrammed .69 Caliber Here we present an antique Rare Danish Frederick V of Denmark Monogrammed Dragoon ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
A Very Scarce, Early, & Large 1700's Ornate European Silver Mounted With A Raised Chiseled Barrel, Lock, And Hammer Flintlock Pistol In Fine Untouched Condition. All original & complete. The P ...Click for more info
Seller: Civil War Toys
Area Code: 516
Grotesque Mask ENGLISH Antique THOMAS ARCHER Brass Flintlock Pistol Boxlock ENGRAVED .58 Caliber w/SILVER WIRE INLAID STOCK Here we present an antique Thomas Archer Brass “Cannon Barrel&rd ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Antique QUEEN ANNE Flintlock Pistol GROTESQUE Mask SILVER MOUNTED & Inlaid .56 Caliber Long Barrel 8 ¾” Here we present an antique British Queen Anne Flintlock Pistol, made circ ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
1787 Dated TULLE Model 1786 Flintlock NAVAL Pistol NAPOLEONIC WARS Antique French Navy, Marines Sidearm Here we present an antique Scarce French Model 1786 Flintlock Naval Pistol, made at the Tu ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Cased PAIR of ENGRAVED Antique GRICE FLINTLOCK Pistols SILVER Wire INLAID Matching Brace of BOXLOCKS with ACCESSORIES Here we present an antique Cased Pair of Engraved and Silver Wire Inlaid Gri ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Here's a Fine Example of a 1700's Queen Anne Pistol! Original Flintlock is in excellent working condition ! Factory Engraving is in excellent condition.,Gun was made in the White I believe . Metal has ...Click for more info
Seller: little jo
Area Code: 813
78th HIGHLANDERS SCOTTISH Ram’s Horn Pistol .475 Caliber MAIDA ASSAYE JAVA Engraved Sidearm from Scotland Commemorating Battles Here we present an antique Scottish Ram’s Horn Pommel ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
21 inch overall with a 13-1/2 inch barrel. Bore is approximately .65 caliber. Gun features all brass fixtures such as trigger guard. Inlaid motifs are very decoratively engraved. The woodwork on the g ...Click for more info
Seller: LeRoy Merz Antique Guns
Area Code: 218
BRASS BARREL Antique T. KETLAND & Co. .56 Conversion Pistol w/ALLPORT LOCK EARLY 1800s Era MANSTOPPER Flintlock to PERCUSSION Here we present an antique Ketland & Co./Allport marked Flin ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Early 1800s Antique British NEW LAND Pattern CAVALRY Style .65 FLINTLOCK    Original Lock “TOWER” and “CROWN/GR” Marked Pistol Here we present an antique Britis ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Late 1700s / Early 1800s Antique KETLAND & CO. PERCUSSION Conversion Pistol PRE-1813 PROOFS Turn of the Century Officer’s Pistol Here we present an antique Ketland & Co. marked Per ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Antique HENRY ASTON & Co. U.S. Contract M1842 .54 Smoothbore Pistol DRAGOON 1851 Dated Percussion U.S. MILITARY Contract Pistol Here we present an antique Henry Aston & Company U.S. Cont ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
Scarce JAMES RODGERS “Self-Protector” Two Blade .32 Percussion KNIFE Pistol British .32 Caliber with HORN GRIP Here we present an antique Birmingham Proofed Percussion James Rodgers ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
BRITISH Antique WAINHOUSE Double Barrel PERCUSSION Pistol w/SNAP BAYONET     ENGRAVED Mid-1800s .52 Caliber BOXLOCK Here we present an antique Engraved British Wainhouse Double Barrel P ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
c18th Century French VALET Antique Flintlock Horse PISTOL ENGRAVED & CARVED Full-Sized Martial Flintlock Sidearm Here we present an antique French Flintlock Horse Pistol by Valet, made circa ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
This Deringer Model 1842 has a rifled barrel with front and rear sight. There are no proof marks or cartouche on this one anywhere. The bore is fine and with strong rifling and the mechanical functi ...Click for more info
Seller: 1898ANDB-4
Area Code: 707
This Blissett percussion single shot pistol was made in Liverpool England. It has a 4.5” barrel and is nicely engraved on the lock, hammer, top tang, breach, trigger guard and final. This is a s ...Click for more info
Seller: 1898ANDB-4
Area Code: 707
REVOLUTIONARY WAR Era ENGRAVED Rare Antique GRIFFIN & TOW Flintlock Pistol 250 Year Old ENGRAVED & CARVED Flintlock MANSTOPPER Here we present an antique Engraved Griffin & Tow Engli ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
c1760s BAVARIAN JACOB KUCHENREUTER Flintlock Pistol Gold Engraving Carved Stock Ratisbonne (Regensburg, Germany) Here we present an antique Exquisite Germanic Jacob Kuchenreuter Flintloc ...Click for more info
Seller: AncestryGunsLLC
Area Code: 314
This is a reconversion with an 8 ½” barrel and no front sight and a captive rammer. This was a Proto Type with the heavy weight of 3 lbs. 4 ounces and came from the Red Johnson collecti ...Click for more info
Seller: 1898ANDB-4
Area Code: 707
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