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Synopsis: Spectacular Chinese Tokarev, Matching Mag, Made 1981, 28025739, FB01176 Description: Superb as new Chinese Tokarev made in 1981 in factory 66 with three Chinese characters on top of slide su
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"Serial No. 2782, circa 1911-1915, 7.63mm, 4"" round barrel. Rough finish all matching C96 pistol. Chinese writing is visible and translates to ""Police Station"". F
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Standard configuration C96 with a 5.5” barrel having fixed front sight on barrel band (as typical for Hanyang made C96s) and slip-in rear sight marked 50/1000. Short extractor, one lug firing pin. Cor
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Chinese manufactured copy of a late Mauser Banner Bolo, this one with a 6 digit serial number and a large Mauser banner. The gun is matching including the bolt stop in which the "8" was omitted, thoug
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The Shansei Arsenal made approx. 9,000 broomhandles in .45 ACP, this being one of the earlier examples. It has a 5.5" bbl., a fixed front sight & slip-in rear sight graded 100-1000. Short extractor, s
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Chinese manufactured copy of a late Mauser Banner Bolo, this one with a 4 digit serial number, that is externally matching. As per the Mauser, this copy has a 4" barrel, a fixed front sight and a slip
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Scarce Chinese Warlord pistol, this one an oversized copy of the FN 1900 chambered for the potent 7.63mm cartridge. Features and function are the same as the FN 1900, just oversized. This pistol is ne
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10 1/2 inch barrel .63 bore /////////17 inches oa// smooth bore ///barrel ,side plate lock and butt cap mounted with low grade silver
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"SN:7512. .22 caliber varmint & plinking pistol; Chinese copy of the Walther Olympia. Excellent condition with box, magazine and weights.
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This typical Chinese Warlord – Era pistol with dimpled slide is a single action blowback with external hammer having a fixed front sight, top mounted extractor (missing), and no rear sight. Both sides
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Heavy bluing wear on frame. Multiple scratches, dings, and dents. Nothing major or operationally compromising. Bore is 80% or better. Interested in purchasing this firearm? Give the Thornton, CO Cabel
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"SN: 403551. Made in 1989, .40 S&W, 4"" barrel. Korean DH40 in excellent condition with a perfect bore. Uses the Fast Action-Triple Action trigger & comes with original Daewoo p
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Cambodian M66, 9mm. This is a close copy of the French MAC 1950. This is marked M66 with Khmer script. This has smooth walnut grips which have been varnished. There is a #1 on the butt and on the inte
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Here is a Norinco (Walther TT Copy) Olympia 22LR Pistol w Box, two Magzine, Paperwork, Barrelweight as New In Box complete with all.
Copied from an internet search describi
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