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Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American EXCELLENT MECHANICS and BORE
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American. Lots of original nickel and sharp lettering. Locks up tight
with great indexing and a crisp trigger. Excellent mechanics, excellent bore.
Bought it to shoot but never got to it. Nice gun and great price.
Ask questions first.
Have checked by a competent gunsmith before firing.
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American EXCELLENT MECHANICS and BORE
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American. Lots of original nickel and sharp lettering. Locks up tight
with great indexing and a crisp trigger. Excellent mechanics, excellent bore.
Bought it to shoot but never got to it. Nice gun and great price.
Ask questions first.
Have checked by a competent gunsmith before firing.
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American EXCELLENT MECHANICS and BORE
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American. Lots of original nickel and sharp lettering. Locks up tight
with great indexing and a crisp trigger. Excellent mechanics, excellent bore.
Bought it to shoot but never got to it. Nice gun and great price.
Ask questions first.
Have checked by a competent gunsmith before firing.
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American EXCELLENT MECHANICS and BORE
Smith and Wesson 2nd Model American. Lots of original nickel and sharp lettering. Locks up tight
with great indexing and a crisp trigger. Excellent mechanics, excellent bore.
Bought it to shoot but never got to it. Nice gun and great price.
Ask questions first.
Have checked by a competent gunsmith before firing.