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Guns Listing ID: 303135Those in the know have long turned to Seecamp for the ultimate in concealed carry. This semi-auto pistol is DAO, flush-hammer fired, fixed barrel and is designed to achieve the
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L.W. Seecamp .32 semi auto pistol, LWS 32 "California Edition" in as new condition that appears to be unfired since factory. Hand build, high quality Mouse gun built in Southwick MA. Double
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This satin nickel all steel Colt Combat Commander was upgraded by Seecamp to DA/SA trigger, checkered backstrap and custom finger groove grips were fitted along with a custom grip safety and wide smoo
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Guns Listing ID: 299039The L.W. Seecamp .380 is the ultimate in concealed carry. This semi-auto pistol is DAO, flush-hammer fired, fixed barrel and is designed to achieve the same ballistic performanc
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Listed is a pair of consecutive numbered Seecamp LWS-32 Pistols chambered in .32ACP
Both pistol come in their original boxes and are in As new in Box condition
Price is $1250.00 + $50.00 Shipping an
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Guns Listing ID: 43009The Smith & Wesson M&P40 Shield M2.0 is a striker fired, semi-automatic handgun chambered in 40 S&W that offers full-sized features in a compact, concealable design. M2.0 upgrade
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Guns Listing ID: 177134Those in the know have long turned to Seecamp for the ultimate concealed carry pistol. Our design was the first—and is still the best—available for a reliable and highly conceal
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Seecamp 32 acp, \with original box and papers , two magazines
their are some very minor scratch tried to point them out ??? , i would think would polish out easily
$ 625.00 + $ 25. shipp
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Guns Listing ID: 179762A small compact handgun made with stainless steel that provides durability and weight for a small pistol. The handgun weighs under a pound, even while fully loaded, for ease of
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