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Smith & Wesson, S & W, S&W, Model 27 2, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Blue, Checkered Top Strap And Barrel Rib, Target Trigger, Target Hammer, Target Grips, Pinned, Recessed, Serial # N731
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Smith & Wesson, Model 29 4, .44 Magnum, Blue, 8 3/8” Full Lugged Barrel, Non recessed
Unfluted Cylinder,Target Trigger, Target Hammer, Target Stocks, Serial # BEC1756, Condition: Excellent
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Winchester, Model 1885, .22LR, 28” Barrel, Tangent Rear Sight, Highwall Action, Full Stock, 2nd Model, Mfg. Approx. 1916, Made In USA, Serial # 117984A, Condition: Very Good Plus, with scattered
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Winchester, Model 1885, .22 Short, 28” Barrel, Tangent Rear Sight, Highwall Action, Full Stock, 2nd Model, Mfg. Approx. 1917, Made In USA, Serial # 120152A, Condition: Very Good Plus, with scatt
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Winchester, Model 1892, Carbine (SRC), .25 20 WCF, 20” Barrel, Tangent Rear Carbine Sight, Pinned Blade Front Sight, Saddle Ring, Mfg. Approx. 1914, Made In USA, Serial # 759685, Conditi
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Winchester, Model 1885, Musket, .22 Short, 28” Barrel, Marked: U.S. “Flaming Bomb”, Low Wall, Full Stock, Lyman Model Peep Sight, 3rd Model Winder, Mfg. Approx. 1918, Made In USA, Se
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Walther, Model Sportmodell, .22LR, 25.75” Barrel, Crown Over N Proof, Full Stock, Matching Number Bolt, Plastic Covered Steel Trigger Guard, Military Training Rifle, Made In Germany, Serial # 42
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Blue, Mfg. 1981, Serial # K28051, Condition: Excellent, with scratches on cylinder in one area between chambers, muzzle wear, small area of pitting on
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Bright Stainless, Mfg. 1996, Serial # PN11422, Condition: Excellent Plus, Bore: Bright. This is the ultimate Python.
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Blue, Mfg. 1994, Serial # PY8123, Condition: Excellent Plus, with a couple of small marks on one cylinder flute, Bore: Bright.
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Bright Stainless, Mfg. 1996, Serial # PN13731, Condition: Excellent Plus, Bore: Bright.
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Blue, Mfg. 1976, Serial # 40416E, Condition: Excellent Plus, with a few tiny scratches, Bore: Bright. An exceptional Python built during the Bicentenn
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Bright Stainless, Mfg. 1987, Serial # T67412, Condition: Excellent Plus, with scattered light scratches, Bore: Bright.
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DWM, Model 1906, 9mm, 5 7/8” Barrel, All Visible Numbers Match, One Unnumbered Plastic Base Magazine, Grips With # 5 On Left Inside Panel, Firing Pin Unmarked, Crown Over M Marked On Upper And B
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Blue, Millet Rear Sight, Bobbed Hammer Spur, Genuine Herrets Grip, Mfg. Approx. 1958, Made In USA, Serial # 6734, Condition: Very Good Plus, With scat
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Bright Stainless, Mfg. 1989, Serial # T85548, Condition: Excellent Plus, Bore: Bright.*****************************17010720/12T***********************
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 4” Barrel, Stainless, Mfg. 1990, Serial # T90888, Condition: Excellent Plus, Bore: Bright.******************************18090094/12T*****************************
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Blue, Mfg. 1972, Serial # E46829, Condition: Excellent, with a .25x.50 area of light scratches on the left side of barrel Bore: Bright.***************
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Smith & Wesson, S & W, Model 629, 44 Magmun, 6” Barrel, Stainless, Pinned, Recessed, Made In USA, Serial # N851993, Condition: Excellent, scattered light scratches, Bore: Bright.********
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Colt, Model Python, .357 Magnum, 6” Barrel, Blue, Mfg. 1984, Made In USA, Serial # T28913, Condition: Excellent, with scattered light scratches and dings, scattered light freckling, cylinder fac
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Ohio Style Smooth Rifle, Percussion, .45 Cal. Smooth Bore, 36” Octagon Barrel, 15/16” Diameter Muzzle, Open Rear Sight, Blade Front Sight, Brown Finish, Functioning Lock, Drum And Nipple,
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R. J. Curry, Flintlock Long Rifle, .36 Cal. (Marked On The Muzzle: “36”), 43.75” Octagon Barrel, Muzzle Diameter: 7/8” Across The Flats, Marked On The Muzzle “66
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Winchester, Model 1892, Rifle, .32 WCF (.32 20), 24.25” Round Barrel, Buckhorn Rear Sight, Blade Front Sight, Two Piece Stock, Crescent Butt Plate, Mfg. 1911, Made In USA, Serial # 59089
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R.F. Sedgley, Model 1903 Springfield Sporter, .30 ’06, 24” Barrel, Lyman 48 Peep Rear Sight, Banded Hooded Ramp Front Sight, Checkered Trigger, Bright Bolt, Checkered Pistol Grip Stock, Fi
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U.S. Springfield, Model 1884, Trapdoor, .45 70 Government, 32.5” Barrel, Rod Bayonet, Checkered Trigger, 1891 Cartouche, Sliding Door Butt Plate, Stock Stamped: 8 / 552 On Side, Stock Stamped: 8
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Smith & Wesson, S & W, Model 617 3, No Lock, .22LR, 6” Full Lug Barrel, Stainless, Target Trigger, Target Hammer, Papers, Box, Serial # CDE6804, Condition: Excellent, Bore: Bright. *****
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